Warrior Goddess Training PART 2.

Näyttökuva 2018-02-28 kello 0.57.14

I began this Warrior Goddess journey to get back in shape in many ways. See I live in Finland and the winters are really harsh and I have kind of adapted into semi hibernation during the darkest and coldest times. On the other hand, I love the distinct four seasons we get here, it makes me feel like I’m a part of something greater and a part of this beautiful planet and the natural cycle of life and death. On the other hand, there is a point in the mid winter when you have forgotten that summer never existed.

It feels as if you had landed into a fairytale land where there is only cold and ice and no end to it. And as the sun gets brighter and the temperatures get even lower, you begin to lose your faith in the sun. It is supposed to warm you up, make things grow and thrive, not the opposite. But it actually does some magic, since it is around this time of the year the light of the day has reached the point that I start to awaken, gradually.

I used to fight the cycle of life here a lot, but in the past couple of years I have learned to let go and go with it. I allow myself to be taken through the stages of being. Each season has it’s own gifts when I’m open to receiving them. I might still complain and dream of being somewhere else, yet that is a part of the process too. But for right now it is the time for me to wake up to this new yearly cycle and this time I thought I’d do it with a Warrior Goddess style.

I have chosen to be committed to this path for a month, possibly forever, but for now I have given myself a mission for this month. This training includes both inner and outer work. I read books that support me and learn new things daily. I have also committed into writing my insights of the day. I have an exercise routine daily, that I choose with my body each day. But this process is mainly for me to built habits that support me, and assist my growth and at this time of the year assist my “awakening”.

As I was thinking about this today it reminded me of a couple of things. One of them is the importance of our habits. Now, if you are into freedom like me, you might have some resistance to the word habit, it makes us think of being stuck in a certain way of doing things. But what if your habit was to always seek for expansion? What if your habit was always to find the hidden gifts of anything that crosses your path? What if it was your habit to love yourself and be committed to yourself under any circumstance? This reminds me of something one of my mentors Derek Rydall has said, ” Our habits build our character and our character determines our destiny”. Energy does follow our focus. My question to anyone reading this now would be what new habits could you start implementing right now, that would totally make your life more magical than ever?

The other thing, I was thinking about today was the idea of adding things into our lives. Many of us spend a good amount of time on trying to fix, heal and let go of things, which is great. But sometimes the real magic comes from us adding things to our lives. Have you ever had experiences of having multiple projects and things going on and somehow you get a lot more done, than when you only have had one thing to do. I have experienced that many times. Creation ignites inspiration. The more we create the more inspired we get, and sometimes it is about doing something completely different and new. Also when you are focused and busy with the things you love, those that have no meaning tend to kind of leave on their own accord. So my second question for today is: What could you add to your life right now, that would make your life totally amazingly magical?

I have been on this path for three days now and I can already feel the shift in my whole being and body. I feel lighter, yet much stronger. The statements I wrote yesterday seem to be really powerful. I invite you to join me.




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