A Happy Cosmic Traveller


I read an article today, which talked about how we can’t receive permanent happiness from getting things and that people are actually happiest when they are travelling and creating experiences they can connect with the world and people around them.

But what if it is not the travelling that makes us the happiest, but the space we are when we travel? And what if that space is a choice we can be anywhere at any time?
Just think of how you feel and be when you go for a vacation and I mean really go into the choice of being you make, not into your mind that likes to say, yes it’s different obviously, because I’m not working or stressing about the work, because I don’t have to.
But is it truly so?
I’m bold enough to claim, that your space is always your choice. Your stress is a choice you make, because you choose to believe in the circumstances that cause your stress.
Is it about the new place or is it about the new eyes we see it through? I have experienced this in action, wandering around my hometown with my child. It is a new world I had never seen before.
Now think about that traveller space of your being, how is it different? Can you feel the willingness to be open for new experiences, the bubbling excitement about the unknown possibilities and potentials, the sense of freedom and carefree being, the smile and the joy of wonder?
What do you choose to be when you travel, when you are on holiday?
How do you choose to feel?
What do you do and be differently?
How do you act and be with people?
How do you treat yourself, see yourself, be with yourself, feel about you?
Are you able to expand to that energy and space of being? What if you allowed yourself to be that every day?
What would your life be if you were the space of the traveller, the explorer and a cosmic adventurer at all times? How would you do your business from that space?
Be Magic,
Love Kati

What The *** is This and What do I do With it?

The greatest thing anyone can do is to receive themselves.



Life doesn’t always go as planned. It is an interesting place to be, when you find yourself being asked to design the wedding invitations for your ex and his new fiancé. You agree with no problem, only to find yourself sobbing a minute after the call. What is going on, I have been over this for years? What is this, is this mine or who does this belong to?

I could have gone into hours of dramas of my past, dwelling on all my “failures” and my broken dreams.

That would have been what I’d done a few years ago. But now I know better. Always to ask, what is this? Who does this belong to? And as I did, I became aware I was experiencing the pain of my child. She was listening on the background. For her it means a loss of one of the greatest dreams of any child who has been through separation of parents, that of her parents one day being reunited, and the family being whole again. Now I also know what is required of me here. To be the safe space and presence for her pain. To talk with her about it and be of allowance for her emotions.

When things go “wrong” it is easy to start blaming and judging the circumstances for our unhappiness and go into dramas. But we are the ones choosing the unhappy circumstances in another level of our being for our evolution and freedom. Our job is to see what is it that we are trying to gift to ourselves and ultimately for the whole.

The quest for the truth in this case also revealed another level, that I had been completely oblivious to. I discovered, that unconsciously I had made very firm decisions, at the time my relationship ended, of the things that I will never do or won’t ever want to experience again.

When we create our lives from our unconscious decisions, we end up creating just the things that we are resisting, or finding ourselves stuck with something.

Think of a time your magic and flow has suddenly stopped and ask yourself, what decisions or conclusions did I make at the time the magic stopped?

The sooner you are willing to receive everything about you and your life, the quicker you can expand and change everything for you. When you are willing to be completely vulnerable and ready to take responsibility of your own creations without judgements you gain your own power back and stop being the victim of the circumstances.

There is no one outside of us who can love us more than we do. There is no one else out there who can give us more than what we are willing to receive.

Receiving you is about your willingness to know who and what you are without separating any parts of you, but loving all parts of you. It is about you accepting what is now with gratitude for the gifts that every moment has in store for you, even if you weren’t aware of them instantly.

Are you willing to receive all of you?

Receiving you means trusting your infinite being and your own awareness and choices. Never making yourself or anyone else wrong but always being strong.

Receiving you means your willingness to be everything and nothing you have judged yourself as. It means that you are willing to lose everyone and everything that stops you from being you. It means you are willing to out grow beyond your limitations and barriers you have placed between you and the rest of the world.

Everything around you is your own reflection, reflection of your choices and beliefs. It is all a gift you haven’t yet received. It is a friendly Universe and it is all working for us, even in those times we find it very hard to see it.

There are no mistakes or failures in life.

You are magic, you are an infinite being with gifts so great that can outshine any doubt and pain of your life if you are willing to receive all of you.

You are special, unique and that is just a fact. You do have something special to gift and an experience of life that no one else has. It matters and it is meaningful for the whole humanity.

Your life is always a part of the whole and everytime you see the truth of a situation and are able to let go of your judgements you clear those things for hundreds of thousands of others. We don’t really see the importance of everything we do and be for the whole. Just because you are not making it big yet in human terms, doesn’t take away the power of your contribution.

You are a contribution for the whole, just by being here and going through whatever it is that you are going through, right now. Your pain is not yours, it is not personal, it has been here for generations before you.

Just think of your own family, what patterns of pain are you able to discover? How much of your parents pain are you carrying with you? What if you are the one sent here to love and dissolve that pain, so that the next generation can be free of it?

Whenever you find yourself in trouble, ask yourself,

What is this and what am I not willing to receive here? What awareness am I trying to gift to myself here? What do I do with this and what is the gift of this?
What else truly is possible for you now? What else can you choose now?

Shine your light and be the change,

Love, Kati

If you are ready to receive more of your true happiness in all areas of your life, remember you are always welcomed to book a free empowering session with me. Let’s see what else truly is possible for you? https://calendly.com/katikelo/magicalgoddess

There is no Self to Love But All The Love to Be


Photo by Drop the Label Movement 

We often think that self-love means loving the fictional character of the story of our lives. We as personalities are nothing but a sum of our memories and experiences and the beliefs we have bought as real about us or this world. The more of the definitions we are able to let go of, the more freedom we can become to that love that we are actually made of, naturally, effortlessly.

They say that we can only ever love another if we love ourselves, but it works both ways when there is no separation of the self or the other. The more we practice to see the oneness in our everyday life, with everyone and everything that comes to our way, the more we awaken to that one force of life that we all are made of and the more we become that love that we are seeking.

Shifting our focus from taking things personally into the oneness and to our contribution to the whole allows you to receive yourself in a higher level of union. When we see no separation with “the other” we have arrived home and feel safe and loved where ever we are regardless of the circumstances.

If we think of it from the perspective of oneness, and see that everyone else is just taking parts in the play of our consciousness, through the infinite kindness and love of the one life force that is working as and through all of us. From that perspective, we can only ever react or have judgements about someone if we in some subconscious level hold that same judgement true about ourselves.

That is why everyone you notice yourself judging, is actually you, having a conversation with yourself about the judgements you are still holding on to. It may take a while to embody this, but as you practice letting go of your judgements you will see magical sometimes even miraculous shifts in your reality and people around you.

Can you see what it could create for you if you became the space of total unconditional love for that kindness, that one, that calls in all the actors to respond to your play?

That is when you become one with the flow of life and totally magical creator of anything you choose. Because then everything is here eagerly responding to your love in an ever expanding cycle. That is when you have embodied self-love.

Love, Kati

May The Force Be With You



I have often wondered why is it, that ever since I stepped into this path of “awakening” things seem to just get worse in times. Sometimes, I have found myself in a space of thinking, I was a lot happier before, when I was totally oblivious to many things, and I know I’m not the only one who has experienced this space.

Even when we know that we create everything in our reality, that we have infinite choices and we are aware of our thoughts, actions, feelings and our asking. Yet, some things don’t seem to change or turn out anything like we asked for. Some people seem to draw in even more negative people and circumstances.

What I have come to understand, that there are levels of expansion in the consciousness and the more we expand and free ourselves the more we expand to the collective, to the planetary, to the universal consciousness of the one. We start getting “bigger” issues on our plate, for the lack of a better expression, but we still take them in personally. A part of us is still fighting against the external demons and enemies, or is trying to protect ourselves from the “lower” frequencies of the world.

We are becoming greater spaces of transformation and the expansion of the consciousness. The disharmony we may experience on the process comes from us not yet being fully integrated to the consciousness of one. We still are holding on to some forms of separation and the specialness of us, our spiritual egos and other definitions that stop us from fully being the instruments of the one life.

The more we practice to see the oneness in our everyday life, with everyone and everything that comes to our way, the more we awaken to that one force of life that we all are made of.

We begin to see no separation between ourselves and “the wars of the world.” They become a part of our consciousness. And when we reach a space of gratitude and unconditional love with all the things that appear to be terribly wrong in this world we have reached another level in our awareness. We have become a space of greater transformation for all that is.

When we have peace with all that is we have found our home. That place of belonging many of us are desperately seeking for.

But before reaching that space, we may suffer enormously for all pain we are taking part in this world. We may feel totally disempowered for having chosen this path. Because it may seem like there is absolutely no personal gain, no joy, nor love for us in return.

We might experience a lot of rejection. Feelings that no one wants anything we have to offer. There is no respect for our efforts, even when we have been fully committed to serving all that is with all of your love. I have heard these things a many times.

In the human world expansion often means that you really have to be “different” to everything that seems to be around you for a while. It can be scary and that is why many people are still hiding. But this is the space that is calling us to awaken to greater awareness of the oneness and the unity consciousness.

We are called to awaken to the space of consciousness where we become the problems and the solutions for the world by perceiving things from another level of perception. Where we truly know that we don’t need to heal or change anything, but just be it, for, with and within all that is. 

We can have more ease and become more harmonious with the force of the one by practicing letting all of our judgements, projections, expectations, opinions and definitions go and allow ourselves to become one with the flow of expansion.

What this means in the practical level is to practice living loving everything and everyone in your life, yourself and world completely and totally unconditionally.

This is where trust comes into practice.

The only thing that stops us being kind to ourselves and others, no matter how they choose to be, is our fear of being hurt by them.

We fear that the kindness that we truly are is not received, that it is rejected, that it is hurt in one way or another by someone else.

But there is no need to fear, because ultimately that flow is working for us, for you and for all that is and that flow is always kind and loving. And as we practice this, we begin to gather more and more evidence of the loving nature of the Universe. Things begin to flow and change in our own lives as if by magic.

We have to trust in our kindness, that kindness which is the essence of the oneness in all of us. By trusting our own kindness we allow the flow to carry us and the force to be with us.

What has helped me is to remember, anytime you go into judging anyone you encounter, just think about it this way.

If you were that person coming from the place they are coming form, from the experiences and beliefs they have grown up with, you would be making the exact same choices than them. You would hide the kindness of your being in that same way. (this works for yourself too)

But what if your job is to only see that what is buried underneath the barriers of others. And what if that is all it takes to awaken the kindness of others in a safe place it has not yet been received? What if practicing this is the ultimate way for you into loving yourself totally and unconditionally.

What if the self you are trying to love within you is within everyone you encounter?

May The Force Be With You, love Kati



The Magical Key to Creation by Choice


Expanding Our Awareness is The Magical Key to Creation by Choice

Lately I have become an instant manifestor of everything I ask for and choose, both “the good and the bad.” That has made me think about the importance of expanding our awareness. It really is the only way to freedom and creation by choice.

Becoming more and more aware of all of your thoughts, feelings and actions at all times is the quickest way to true happiness, ease and prosperity.

So are you looking for the solutions from the outside or are you choosing the only true and magical power that exists in your Universe, which is you. You consciously shifting your thoughts, feelings and focus on what you truly want. 

Whenever we want anything we only want it because we believe it will make us feel a certain way when we get it. But we are in charge of how we choose to feel about the things that haven’t yet been created.

We live in the past of our questions, thoughts, feelings and actions.

Life is a reflection of the quality of the questions we put out there. 

What if you asked the Universe:

What do I truly want to choose for me right now?

Show me, what would give me the feelings that I truly desire to experience?

Be Magic, With Love Kati



The Quickest Way to Change Anything is to Not to Change Anything


Photo by Nathan Dumlao 

The quickest way to change anything is not to change anything?

Now, you may wonder what does that mean? Of course I want things to change, especially those that give me pain, that is what I’m driving on. I’m on a mission to eliminate and change all the things that don’t serve me anymore.

What that actually means is, that we start receiving everything that is right now and specifically those things that cause us pain, stress or suffering. Because there are no mistakes in our lives, everything is just as perfect as an infinite free willed being could ever have created for itself. It may not look like it, but it is all there working for us.

The things that cause us pain or suffering, or to be clear the things that we believe cause us pain or suffering, are just the untruths we have believed to be true and hold up as the most potential future for us. There is nothing outside of ourselves that makes anything that has been to be true in our future.

Anything is possible, but we always get the greatest possibility for our conscious evolution. That is the one mission we are all in. To evolve and awaken to more and more awareness. Each of us serving the whole seeing through every lie we have taken on for the liberation of all.

How do we start receiving the now and the “problems” of the now?

We want to become consciously aware of our thoughts, judgements, expectations and projections. Everything is energy and what we focus on directs the energy. Every time we are stressed or worried about something we are projecting that stress and worry into the next moment into an imaginary scenario of the possible future we don’t want to experience, most often successfully creating it. But the stress and worry or the imaginary outcome only exists in our minds. There is no rule in our Universe that says, because this has gone like this before, that it has to happen in the same way again, unless we choose to believe it will.

There are no problems, just different perceptions and more aware we become the more truth we start seeing and experiencing in this sentence.

When we anticipate about the future we are actually trying lock and order a specific outcome into place. For example many of us have been in a place where we desperately need money fast for some bill. Then we begin to stress and worry seeing images of the worst case scenarios. We pre-create the experience in our minds and what our Universe is hearing when we do this is:

“Please, can you make sure the money doesn’t show up so I can have the experience of being totally broke and unable to pay for this bill tomorrow, because right now I’m choosing to anticipate about what a failure and a loser I am, how I can’t take care of myself and be responsible…” and whatever else judgements you may hold up for yourself to add to your misery.

I know this is a funny example, but that is what we do. Until we are free of the past judgements and lies we have believed to be true about us or this reality, we keep on creating opportunities for ourselves to become aware of that what is actually standing in the way of us really having and being what we want.

But what if we didn’t chose to have those judgements and thoughts that make us feel like that? Would we then need to be creating the experiences where those feelings and judgements can show up for us?

If there is no future nor past and I am the creator of what is right now for me, by choosing to be whatever it is that I choose to be in my thoughts, feelings, actions and consciousness, where I choose to focus my energy on, that is what I am being and creating more of. Change is that simple.

If we are confused we create more confusion, if our thoughts, actions and energy are going in different directions we create conflicts in our reality. 

Knowing this we also start to become aware of the gifts of every single conflict or pain that comes to our way.

Why would anyone throw away an opportunity to add more freedom in their lives?

Because whatever is causing us pain, weather it is for a very deep issue such as death of a close one or something smaller there is always a liberation and expansion available if we choose to receive it. It may not be easy, but each of us have chosen this moment as the greatest potential of ourselves and for the whole.

The paradox of life is that it is never personal, even when it is. The things we grew up into believing are not coming from us. Even the appearing physical conditions, the people, things, places, events and relationships are all energy playing in the forms of our unique play of life. And little by little one step at a time we reveal more and more of that what we already know and that what we already know liberates us.

We may begin to wonder how would we already know the unknown? That which hasn’t yet been created? Is that truly possible? Or do we just choose from what already is, ready in full and available by us asking and being it in all of our thoughts, feelings and actions?I wonder what do you already know about that?

What can you do to stop trying to resist your reality and starting to receive it?
You can start by questioning everything.

What is the gift of this, that I’m not willing to receive?

What awareness am I resisting by choosing to create the problems in my life?

What are the lies that I have bought as truths about me and my life?

You may ask, why am I not having the things I want right now?

What judgements and decisions can you find about you and your reality by asking just that?

Be Magic,

With Love Kati


Receiving More of Anything is All About You Receiving More of YOU


The greatest thing anyone can do is to receive themselves. There is no one outside of us who can love us more than we do. There is no one else out there who can give us more than what we are willing to receive.

The sooner you are willing to receive everything about you and your life, the quicker you can expand. When you are willing to be completely vulnerable and ready to take responsibility of your own creations without judgements you gain your own power back and stop being the victim of the circumstances.

Receiving you is about your willingness to know who and what you are without separating any parts of you, but loving all parts of you. It is about you accepting what is now with gratitude for the gifts that every moment has in store for you, even if you weren’t aware of them instantly.

Receiving you means trusting your infinite being and your own awareness and choices. Never making yourself or anyone else wrong but always being strong. Receiving you means your willingness to be everything and nothing you have judged yourself as. It means that you are willing to lose everyone and everything that stops you from being you. It means you are willing to out grow beyond your limitations and barriers you have placed between you and the rest of the world.

Everything around you is your own reflection, reflection of your choices and beliefs. It is all a gift you haven’t yet received. It is a friendly Universe and it is all working for us, even in those times we find it very hard to see it. But you are magic, you are an infinite being with gifts so great that can outshine any doubts of your life if you are willing to receive all of you.

You are special, unique and that is just a fact, not just some pep talk. You do have something special to gift and an experience of life that no one else has. It matters and it is meaningful for the whole humanity. Your life is always a part of the whole and everytime you are able to let go of judgement you clear those things for hundreds of thousands of others. We don’t really see the importance of everything we do and be for the whole. Just because you are not making it big yet in human terms, doesn’t take away the power of your contribution.

Are you willing to receive your own contribution?

What is the gift of you?

Where are you playing smaller than you know is possible for you?

If you are ready to receive more of your true happiness in all areas of your life, you can book a free empowerment session with me from this link: https://calendly.com/katikelo/magicalgoddess
What else truly is possible for you?

Love, Kati

Photo by Haley Phelps 

Words For The Inner Child


Photo by Patrick Fore

I’m sorry if you have been hurt and you haven’t been loved heard or been seen the way you deserved. I understand that behind all the sadness, anger, frustration, shame, guilt and fear is only that pure kindness of your being that was not seen, not noticed, not appreciated.

It was that same kindness that led you to take on other people’s pain as your own so you could be of help to this world, without knowing any other way, without knowing there was another way, that you have been the healer the change all along, you just weren’t aware of it.

What if you became aware of all those moments that you went into the questions of what happened to this person, why are they feeling so bad, why are they hurting others and why are they hurting me? What if you saw the truth in there, that you had the awareness of their pain and because you had that awareness you took on the quilt, the shame, the frustration, anger and made it into your wrongness, not because you thought you deserved it, but because you wanted to heal it knowing you could change it, but you just didn’t know how.

What if the anger you made the wrongness of you is actually about your willingness to be the change this world requires right now and what if it only required for you to acknowledge it as it is. That you know that something else is possible, and that the kindness that you are is wanting to be free to express the truth of you.

What if the lie that you bought from the world was that your kindness is your weakness, and in order to prove that point of view you have created many stories that confirm that it is so. What if you already have been it all in many life times, the perpetrator, the abuser, the victim the king and the queen, the beggar and the thief, the nun and the slut.

What if you already have experienced it all? What if this time you chose to see the truth of your being? What if you didn’t have to hide your kindness anymore, what if you knew that it could not be destroyed or diminished.

What if the frustration, anger and fury is all about that kindness and love of you wanting out, to be the difference to create a new world beyond the past suffering of humanity. What if that pure innocent being is still just as pure and innocent, untouched, unharmed by any human experiences.

What if it is the light in you that knows the truth of your experiences. What if that light was never dimmed and what if it just as bright as it has ever been. What if it only requires for you to see that? For you to know who you really are. That you were the being that chose to have all the experiences because you knew you could be the change the light that came to shine it’s love in the midst of the darkness.

What if you knew that it was safe to let go of the human illusions and stories on which you have build the construction of your personality and what if by doing so you would not lose anything of what you are, but gained everything that you truly be.

What if the opposite is true, what if you, us, we haven’t yet known the power of our kindness. What if that would be the ultimate weapon in changing the world for ourselves and for everyone.

What if it is only about not knowing how to be you and the kindness and love that you truly are.

What if the true kindness is about being the space of awareness that you truly are in every situation. What if beyond every reaction, every emotion, every judgement you have ever made is a gift of your own desire to be the change?

What if that light within you already knows all the gifts of every experience, what if the only thing separating you from being you is in your willingness to receive the truth of the infinity of your being. What would you choose to be for yourself if you knew you already have been everything and everyone?

Would you be willing to be beyond past, would you be willing to be the UFO, the unidentified flying object, that creates new reality by choice and by willingness to surrender to something that hasn’t been yet? Surrendering and trusting your own divine flow, asking yourself what is it that you choose to create for you in this moment?

Are you willing to let the human stories go. Are you willing to stop defining yourself, your gender, your sexuality, your role, your profession, your position, your identity. What if, that what you are is beyond the past definitions of human, would you be willing to be what you desire, such as pure freedom, love, inspiration, expansion. Would be willing to become what you desire, without the need to be in any role, time or attached to causality to receive being what you desire?

Are you willing to express that regardless of the world around you? Would you be willing to look into the eyes of your inner child see the light in her heart shining brightly like a sun itself.

What if you saw that pure innocence of her love what if you were willing to take her into your heart and know that she has always been there shining as brightly without any shame or guilt only waiting for you to see what amazing being of pure light and love she is.

Would you be willing to let her shine and would you be willing to listen to the wisdom that her pure heart carries. Would you be willing to know what she knows, that no one else in the whole world knows.

Would you be willing to let her tell you what she knows that can make a big difference in the world? What does she know? Would you be willing to love her the way she deserves to be loved.

Would you allow her to grow up with you become one with your light, would you be willing to allow her to enter to your heart and open your heart from within so it can shine even brighter.

Would you allow her to be what she came here to be, free and safe within your own heart. Would you be willing to let her know that you love her that she is infinitely loved.



Why Are You Not Happy?

max-andrey-716124-unsplash.jpgPhoto by Max Andrey

Is there something in your life that seems to keep you away from your true happiness? The easiest way to find out what it is, is to ask yourself: “Why am I not completely happy?” And it is all of those things that come after your because that matter. I’m not happy with my work, with my relationships, with my finances because… What are your reasons?

When we ask that question and write the things that come up for us down, we get a list of the reasons why we think we can’t be happy. We may get that because I don’t have enough, I’m too this and that, I haven’t done what I should have done, I’m lazy, fat or ugly or whatever it is for you.

But creation actually happens the other way around, not by us getting the things we want, not by us fixing something in ourselves, but by us starting to generate that what we desire in energy us shifting our focus and frequency into that what we choose to create for us.

The reasons you think that are keeping you away from your happiness are actually the reasons you keep creating between you and your happiness.

So take your time and write your list and see what you are choosing for yourself right now. The things on your list are not real, they are all beliefs that you keep feeding yourself with. These things are the things you project into your reality, none of them come from outside of you. They may have been true in your past, and you may have proven them right countless times in your life, but they are not real or true anywhere else than in your memories. Does anything on your list have to stay that way forever and what else could you choose instead?

Energy has no other choice than to follow our focus. All energy is here for us, following our orders, giving us everything we choose at any moment. It works like magic all the time, so the secret really is in what we choose to be right now.

Take something on your list and ask what else could you choose instead? What if you chose that and asked what would it feel like to be that, to have that? What if you allowed yourself to feel it and what if you remembered to stay in that feeling as much as you can, knowing that energy has no other option than to follow our choice. How would you feel right now if you would be completely happy with everything in your life? Would you like the Universe to show you all the things and people that can add to that feeling? Just ask and you will receive.

Love, Kati

This is What I Am


I know I’m not the only one who has had to take in the “being too much”, and I also know I’m not the only one who has gone into all kinds of ways of hiding, diminishing our light, making ourselves smaller, just to be able to fit in with the world around. I have become so aware lately of how I have been allowing other people’s fears and reactions to shrink me and my energy. I have also become aware that the more I have been doing it the more confusing it has been for everyone.

I have made a choice of not shrinking anymore no matter how people will react to it or however too much I be for anyone. I can’t help it, it is me, this is what I am. And I’m inviting you to do the same.

You being you is not about competition, not about overshining anyone, not about having power over anyone, not about being bigger or smaller, it simply is about you being you regardless of anyone else’s reactions. Sometimes our energy just is too much for some, but are we allowing that to stop us from being what we truly are? And I know that those who have been struggling with this thing understand this thing very well. It has nothing to do with what you create, where you are, what you do or with whom you are. It is about the energy, the being that you are.

You may want to ask yourself: How much are you really dimming your light for others and how much of their feelings and reactions are you interpreting as your own and making it a wrongness of you? 

Sun is just a sun it has no shame of being the sun. The more we be and accept all of us and own it the less reactions there will be. Because beyond the reactions there is our own fears of what might happen when we just be all of us, well that is the why we shrink, and as you can see it is a self fulfilling cycle fed by our fears. When we are unsure and confused with the energy and space we are, and if we are a lot of it, people will reflect that confusion back to us. They don’t know what hit them but they surely want to keep safe and away.

There really is no way out of it but to allow ourselves to just be what we are and also being of allowance of other people’s reactions. Not making it about us, but just being aware of what is ours and what is not. It is about us owning our own space and getting to know it. The less we shrink the safer we become for ourselves and others.

I’ll say have a magical day, with the lyrics from the Greatest Showman:

“I’m not scared to be seen, I make no apologies, this is me… ”

Love, Kati